Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart

On this day nine years ago I married the love of my life. Jeff you are my best friend, my partner, my husband and an awesome Daddy. My love & respect for you grows stronger & stronger each day. I truly feel so blessed for our beautiful life together and I could not imagine life without you. Thank you so much for sharing your life with me. I appreciate all you do and I love you with all my heart. Happy Anniversary!!!!!
xoxoxo Always & Forever,

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There are just some things you should not do yourself........

a package of disposable razors.... $5.95
a PROFESSIONAL haircut ...... $12.50
shaving your own neck in the shower......... PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!

Let the professionals do it. In Jeff's case I'm the professional much better huh?
Jeff & I were in stitches over this. I noticed his neck line in the car but I did not tell him until we arrived back home where I could fix it. When I first told him, he did not believe me that it was bad so I said to myself "SELF" take a picture. Well we all know that pictures don't lie. So we laughed & laughed and then together came up with this post. Thanks honey for seeing the humor and having fun with it.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Family Fun at the Park

Nice way to end the weekend, some good family fun and quality time spent all together. We spent a good portion of the day visiting Jeff's grandmom. We are continuing to keep her in our prayers as her days to be with us are limited. After returning from spending time grandmom, we decided to let Dylan run down some energy and we bicycled to the park. We had a blast. The boys built a sand castle and we had fun chasing each other around, playing pirate ship and just being goofy. The sun setting was quite a site.

Pretty cool huh?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random Shots- self Camera 101

In the past few days, I have taken it upon myself to play around and try & learn about my camera. Yes I am seriously considering taking a photo class. See what you think.........

Some of my blooming flowers in my garden
I so think this tree is huge you can see the roof line of the house in photo- it's a big oneI so fell in love with the blue sky the other day this is what it looked like at 3 o'clock in the afternoon-it was such a beautiful day
snow cap mountain view heading back to the valley from our cabin

Monday, February 18, 2008

A WEEK AT A GLANCE..... 2/11/08 thru 2/17/08

Monday- Dylan is always the helper to get the mail and he was especially excited this day. He took the mail out of the box and shouted "Mom a special package it's a yellow envelope- I think it's a Valentine" and he was so right. THANK YOU Aunt Kelly & cousins for the valentine goodies it was so nice & sweet of you. You totally made Dylan's day.

Dylan & his valentine goodies
Dylan working hard on his valentine for school- the school requested one valentine made at home, it was not to be candy or food. So he with the help of mom made a craft. You will be able to tell he had a lot of fun painting he worked so hard and was so serious.

Later that night he worked very hard on tracing his letters and making cards for some special people in his life. Once again very serious at work.

Tuesday- I decided to stop everything and just let the boys (Dylan & my nephew Michael) get some fresh air and play. I decided I was going to sit back, watch & play around with my camera. So I just let them do their own thing and snapped away.
Dylan in some deep thought

Michael cruising the yard

my adventerous sweet boy climbing our grapefruit tree

Michael fertilizing the grass- yes our grass is green- No snow here unlike all you poor folks getting dumped on...... "Want to get Away"

Farmer/Chef Dylan driving his dirt to make mud pies

Wednesday- I made some Valentine treats for the 2 handsome men in my life

Thursday- My beautiful 2 dozen roses from my husband. Jeff & I got to enjoy a nice dinner out at Rigatony's and it was soo good. The place was packed @ 5 o'clock. Way to go Babe making a reservation. We got right in had a nice booth and good service. We really had some good conversation and many laughs. I so love spending time with you Jeff. I love you with all my heart and THANK YOU for loving me.

A huge Thank You to Nana G for watching Dylan so we could have some adult time. Thank you Thank you Thank you. We so appreciate your constant willingness.

After dinner we arrived home and I sent Jeff on a scavenger hunt to find all of his goodies. May sound kinda corney but it was actually really cool & fun. Thanks Jeff for being a total sport. I love ya kiddo.

Friday,Saturday & Sunday- We escaped from reality and went to the cool Pines where our Cabin is and enjoyed some R & R. There was a little snow and just a lot of peace & quiet. We were joined by my Mom, Maura,Dave & Michael.

The boys had a blast building a snow man from very little snow with Uncle Dave. Great job guys. You did an awesome job with what little you had.
Dylan & Michael exploring nature and keeping eachother company

A tired little boy, Dylan slept the entire ride home

It was a really nice, fun filled, gorgeous week.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


* my house is clean

* laundry is done

* yardwork is finished

*dylan had double ear infections & an upper respiratory infection, he was pretty miserable but is doing better. He has been home all week and all of us including him are looking forward to his return to school on monday :)

*jeff is busy this week @ work :)

*the sun is out, our grass is green and my flowers are blooming, feeling sympathy for everyone who is freezing and getting snow.

What I need to get done:


*get groceries

*color my hair

*Enjoy the weekend :):):)

Ta Ta for now....