Monday, July 7, 2008

Bird House Hanging

Family time at our cabin is so enjoyable. We decided a quick and last minute trip (sometimes those are the best ones) and we enjoyed just having some quiet family time. We had a hanging ceremony of our newly hand crafted bird house built by Jeff's younger cousin Jessica who lives in Ohio. She was so sweet to make it and hand carried it on the plane and gave it to us during her visit in March.

THANK YOU THANK YOU JESSICA. It was so sweet & thoughtful of you. We love it and Dylan had fun hanging it.

We strolled the local festival in down town, enjoyed a 4x4 cruise through the Tonto national forest, and ended the day with a mountain walk up & down the hills around our cabin. Dylan just loves being in the mountains. It was a wonderful weekend.

Our mountain house is the perfect place to have fun, hang out with family, invite friends, enjoy & appreciate nature, & most of all create life long memories to fill up our photo books. Looking forward to many many more good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a great little family getaway! so fun!