Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'M A SLACKER.... So much to catch up on.........

Where to start...... Thanksgiving we hosted dinner at our house for 11 people. Had a lot of family come & go, at one point I had 20 people in my house. Normally I would be saying I need a bigger house but not this time. It was nice to see everyone in the same room and everybody visiting together. I said to my self "SELF" "the size of the house you live in is not what is important it's the love the fills the home and the comfort your guest feel in your home is what makes it special". It was a beautiful day and I hope that everyone had a good time. We were so glad Devin & Colton could visit-it was so nice to see you both.
The Host's
Table & Flowers
The Turkey Carver's (Jeff & brother-in-law Dave)
Dylan with his Nana. G
Nana. L & Michael (my nephew)
Erin & Maura w/our boys
Dylan & Devin(my nephew from Alaksa)
Colton (my nephew from Alaska)
Ryan & Brennan(my brother-in-laws)
Ryan, Linda & my Dad
As you can see we were all so stuffed from dinner no one had the energy to take photos after dinner, wish I would have thought to catch one of the crowd of 20. Oh well maybe next year!
I will be back to post more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great day, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Boy was I stuffed!