Wow what a hectic several days.
Friday evening 12/21/07 we dropped by to say our goodbye to Nana G as she was leaving to fly to Alaska. My Mom, Jeff & I enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner at Oregano' s followed by The Christmas Carol play at the theatre. It was a nice evening.. Much Thanks to Poppie for keeping Dylan and allowing us a nite out on the town.
Saturday I did some last minute shopping and Dylan & I wrapped some gifts and just had a chill out nite for ourselves as Dad was working.
Sunday I hit early morning Mass and then wore one of my 5 hats and cleaned my parents house for the Holiday dinner on Tuesday. That evening we headed to the west side of town to have Chinese dinner with Jeff's Dad and his side of the Family. We went back to Grandmom G house for dessert and chat time. Dylan had a blast playing with his cousins and running through grandmom's house.
Dinner & Dessert with Dylan's Great Grandmom Gerle
Monday we made sure to practice with Dylan and the broomstick for the his big job @ the Children's Mass on Christmas Eve that evening. We had a somewhat quiet day visited with our neighbors and before we knew it was time for Mass. Dylan was part of the processional and had to carry a wreath on a pole. He did such a great job, we were very proud of him. Needless to say with all the family there to be his audience we took up a whole pew. After mass we headed out with my family for yet another evening of Chinese food. ***If you have not caught on yet it is Family Tradition to eat Chinese food just before Christmas.***** The
restaurant was empty and quiet so it was nice & relaxing as Dylan & my nephew Michael were able to be some what free after being strapped (ha ha) down at Church. We headed home jamming to Christmas tunes in the car ran inside and quickly got
PJ"S on and put out the goodies for Santa and as a family read a
goodnight story to Dylan. Jeff & I stayed up till oh about 1am goofing off and doing some
lasssssst minute wrapping- ya know wink** wink***.
Dylan in line getting ready to participate at Christmas Eve Mass
Thumbs up from our wreath holder
Dylan &
Poppie eating with chop sticks
The gang at Chinese dinner #2
Santa has to have cookies & milk.............................
Daddy & Dylan drafting their Santa note
Tuesday Jeff woke up first and when I say first I mean first. Blew me over because he never gets up first-had me shocked. We both woke Dylan up and he was excited to see the
Christmas tree glowing so beautiful and presents under the tree. So we did the whole present thing and Dylan was so so sweet. He opened his presents with so much excitement and was so sincere and thankful for all that he was given. It actually brought a tear to my eye at how genuine his thank
yous were. Jeff decided he was craving for the most complicated breakfast so off to the kitchen we went to make egg's
benedict. I must say it turned out well. We then headed to my parent's house for dinner. We had
fillet of beef and salmon. Food was great, good company, much laughter and we had a really good time. Mom & Dad thanks for hosting yet another great holiday- you guys both rock.
Our tree @ 1:00 am Christmas Morning..........................................
Dylan & his new big boy bike from Santa
Thank you Great Uncle Danny, Aunt Kathy, Jackie & Mary Rose for the awesome bumper car.... yes it is just like the real ones.
Thank you Aunt Kelly,Uncle Ed,Devin,
Colton &
Caden for my transformers
Our delicious Egg's Benedict-way to go hon-we rocked
My Mom & I and my Mom's beautiful
Christmas tree that houses hundreds of ornaments....
Our American "
Sisco Clan (My Sister Maura,Dave & Michael)
The wee boys
My Mom & Dad and long time friends Dennis & Lynn
For the most part everyone was happy except for "little" Michael
And then.... back to the grind stone.
We hope that all of you and your families had a joyous & Merry Christmas Season.