Monday, December 31, 2007


OK so in some parts of the world it is official and so therefore that works for me. Tonight Jeff is working and so Dylan & I were partners to celebrate and bring in the new year. Well needless to say my partner could not hang and so therefore I will call it a night as well. No better why to end the year by my son falling asleep on my chest waiting for the ball to fall in New York, carrying him to his bed, kissing his forehead and wishing him sweet dreams. Oh how beautiful life is and more importantly that I realize how lucky and thankful I am to be blessed with such a precious little boy and the joy he brings to my world......
May 2008 be good to everyone!


We hope that you have a great day and a wonderful year. We wish we could help you celebrate and we hope that we get to see you soon. We love and miss you very much. Dylan had so much fun making your poster. Enjoy your special day.

Love from All,
Erin, Jeff & Dylan

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Wow what a hectic several days.
Friday evening 12/21/07 we dropped by to say our goodbye to Nana G as she was leaving to fly to Alaska. My Mom, Jeff & I enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner at Oregano' s followed by The Christmas Carol play at the theatre. It was a nice evening.. Much Thanks to Poppie for keeping Dylan and allowing us a nite out on the town.
Saturday I did some last minute shopping and Dylan & I wrapped some gifts and just had a chill out nite for ourselves as Dad was working.
Sunday I hit early morning Mass and then wore one of my 5 hats and cleaned my parents house for the Holiday dinner on Tuesday. That evening we headed to the west side of town to have Chinese dinner with Jeff's Dad and his side of the Family. We went back to Grandmom G house for dessert and chat time. Dylan had a blast playing with his cousins and running through grandmom's house.
Dinner & Dessert with Dylan's Great Grandmom Gerle
Monday we made sure to practice with Dylan and the broomstick for the his big job @ the Children's Mass on Christmas Eve that evening. We had a somewhat quiet day visited with our neighbors and before we knew it was time for Mass. Dylan was part of the processional and had to carry a wreath on a pole. He did such a great job, we were very proud of him. Needless to say with all the family there to be his audience we took up a whole pew. After mass we headed out with my family for yet another evening of Chinese food. ***If you have not caught on yet it is Family Tradition to eat Chinese food just before Christmas.***** The restaurant was empty and quiet so it was nice & relaxing as Dylan & my nephew Michael were able to be some what free after being strapped (ha ha) down at Church. We headed home jamming to Christmas tunes in the car ran inside and quickly got PJ"S on and put out the goodies for Santa and as a family read a goodnight story to Dylan. Jeff & I stayed up till oh about 1am goofing off and doing some lasssssst minute wrapping- ya know wink** wink***.

Dylan in line getting ready to participate at Christmas Eve Mass

Thumbs up from our wreath holder
Dylan & Poppie eating with chop sticks
The gang at Chinese dinner #2
Santa has to have cookies & milk.............................
Daddy & Dylan drafting their Santa note
Tuesday Jeff woke up first and when I say first I mean first. Blew me over because he never gets up first-had me shocked. We both woke Dylan up and he was excited to see the Christmas tree glowing so beautiful and presents under the tree. So we did the whole present thing and Dylan was so so sweet. He opened his presents with so much excitement and was so sincere and thankful for all that he was given. It actually brought a tear to my eye at how genuine his thank yous were. Jeff decided he was craving for the most complicated breakfast so off to the kitchen we went to make egg's benedict. I must say it turned out well. We then headed to my parent's house for dinner. We had fillet of beef and salmon. Food was great, good company, much laughter and we had a really good time. Mom & Dad thanks for hosting yet another great holiday- you guys both rock.
Our tree @ 1:00 am Christmas Morning..........................................
Dylan & his new big boy bike from Santa

Thank you Great Uncle Danny, Aunt Kathy, Jackie & Mary Rose for the awesome bumper car.... yes it is just like the real ones.
Thank you Aunt Kelly,Uncle Ed,Devin,Colton & Caden for my transformers

Our delicious Egg's Benedict-way to go hon-we rocked

My Mom & I and my Mom's beautiful Christmas tree that houses hundreds of ornaments....
Our American "Poppie"
The Sisco Clan (My Sister Maura,Dave & Michael)
The wee boys
My Mom & Dad and long time friends Dennis & Lynn
For the most part everyone was happy except for "little" Michael
And then.... back to the grind stone.

We hope that all of you and your families had a joyous & Merry Christmas Season.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Gift Suggestions

To your enemy, forgiveness
To an oppenent, tolerance
To a friend, your heart
To a customer, service
To all, charity
To every child, a good example
To yourself, respect

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Future Leader ?????????

My handsome man was Flag boy last week @ his school. He did a great job holding that flag high and proud. He said to me " MOM I am the leader and everyone must follow me". He is really loving school.

Sunglasses and all he still looks like a darn good leader.......................

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mountain Time

We decided after the hard work and the feast we had it sounded great to get away & relax. So we headed up north for the long Thanksgiving weekend with my Mom, Dad, Sister & her family and of course the turkey left overs. It was so beautiful and cold. The Valley has been very warm so it was a treat. We pulled up to our cabin to be greeted by 3 deer chilling out in the open lot right next to our front door. What a way to start a weekend. Seeing wildlife is always so fun. Dylan gets so excited. This lot used to be full of trees but as you can see it is open now due to a fire that almost took our cabin. We had a great visit. You know me always on the go and busy, I did not relax that much. I ended up giving 4 pedicures,1 color & 3 haircuts. We had yet another feast of turkey leftover's on Friday and had a delicious prime rib dinner thanks to my brother-in-law Dave on Saturday evening. Food was muum muum yum. Jeff & Dave cut down our huge mesquite tree that we lost from the fire and then yes Sunday came and we had to come back to reality. I sure do miss the sound of the pines swaying in the wind.

Prime Rib Feast

Michael driving Mr Dylan-they thought they were the bomb 4x4 ing tractor style.

Cutie pies

Our poor tree-one last photo

the boy's taking a breakfrom the out doors

I still have more to come-I'll be baaaack.....

I'M A SLACKER.... So much to catch up on.........

Where to start...... Thanksgiving we hosted dinner at our house for 11 people. Had a lot of family come & go, at one point I had 20 people in my house. Normally I would be saying I need a bigger house but not this time. It was nice to see everyone in the same room and everybody visiting together. I said to my self "SELF" "the size of the house you live in is not what is important it's the love the fills the home and the comfort your guest feel in your home is what makes it special". It was a beautiful day and I hope that everyone had a good time. We were so glad Devin & Colton could visit-it was so nice to see you both.
The Host's
Table & Flowers
The Turkey Carver's (Jeff & brother-in-law Dave)
Dylan with his Nana. G
Nana. L & Michael (my nephew)
Erin & Maura w/our boys
Dylan & Devin(my nephew from Alaksa)
Colton (my nephew from Alaska)
Ryan & Brennan(my brother-in-laws)
Ryan, Linda & my Dad
As you can see we were all so stuffed from dinner no one had the energy to take photos after dinner, wish I would have thought to catch one of the crowd of 20. Oh well maybe next year!
I will be back to post more.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Dylan & I making bubble faces during bath time.
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday-it has been a long week!
:) Erin

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sunday @ the Bowling Alley w/Nana & Poppie

On Sunday we went bowling with my parents unfortunately Jeff could not be there he had to fix a leaky tiolet at his Mom's house. :( Dylan did really well and had a lot of fun. We made sure they had the bumpers up so no gutter balls. Believe it or not Dylan did really good throwing the ball down the center, but I will say the bumpers helped my Mom & I out only a couple of times. We shared good laughter and had a lot of fun. Enjoy my snaps.
Dylan ready to knock'em down!
Nana patiently awaiting her turn
Dylan had a blast getting our balls for us- He is such a great helper!

Yes Dylan had a split and did a great job bumper free at getting the 2 pins down

Coach Poppie aka: The Peanut Gallary-Thanks Dad for all the Pointers and laughs. Your the bomb!

No lie on my part about my handsome man throwing down the center.
The bowling gang minus Mom.

Thanks Nana & Poppie for a fun day. Hope everyone is having a great week.