Thursday, November 6, 2008

Put your hands up.........

Dylan's phrase for Halloween....."Your under arrest, come with me" and then he would handcuff me. This was my Halloween police officer. Dylan was a bit under the weather so he was not that into it this year. He decided he only wanted to trick-a-treat at houses where he knew the people. I think he had more fun handing the candy out. We will hope for a better time next year.

My darling nephew Michael who was a cute Thomas with sound effects included

I think Fall is FINALLY on it's way to us burned out sun bunnies here is Arizona. Thank Goodness.... I love this time of the year. So very jealous of all the blogs out there that have pictures posted with trees showing their autumn colors. We don't get to experience it here in the desert. The palm trees just refuse to change colors. I cherish the memories of my childhood, the many times of raking piles of autumn leaves and jumping into the pile. So I say to myself "Self" boy those were good ole days!
Happy Fall Everyone

1 comment:

Mama of 3 boys! said...

Yay! I am so glad to see a blog Erin. I have missed your updates and photos. Dylan sure makes a handsome police officer (but I am partial to those men in uniform!). Happy fall and will sure miss you this holiday season.

Love, Kelly