Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Mighty Productive Day

I accomplished........
*Waking Jeff up at 4:30AM for work
*Breakfast for the boys (Dylan & Michael) Babysat my Nephew for the day
*Made a Baked Ziti for tomorrow nights dinner
*Made 4 dozen pumpkin chocolate chip muffins-oh yeah those babies have lots of chips in them

*Cleaned out my Fridge
*Lunch for me & the boys
*Took the boys to the park for 2 hours & visited with my Dad (Photos @ the end of post)
*Played trucks, did puzzles and played outside with boys

*Cooked a DELISH casserole for dinner and some yummy rolls*cleaned the kitchen
*back to the park for Dylan's soccer practice
*kept Michael busy while Dylan practiced & played chit chat catch up with Jeff
*bathed the Dirty Monster boys
*sent my Nephew Michael home-WE LOVED HAVING YOU VISIT WITH US TODAY
*put Dylan to bed
*rubbed Jeffey's shoulder's
* 2 loads of laundry--DONE

*Posted on my blog

**Hubby & child are snoozing away

So having said that I am going to take my shoes off and let my dogs bark it out, read my People Magazine (thanks Mumsy) and thoroughly enjoy the SILENCE. It was a wonderful day ,weather oh so beautiful and good times. I will look forward to tomorrow as it is a new day and every day I am here is a gift which I hope never to take for granted.

Such cuties!!!!

Nighty Nite all,

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