Sunday, January 27, 2008

Short But Sweet

With just one day since Jeff had to work Sat. night and snow on the ground we took a "quick" trip to our Cabin. It was so relaxing. It was chilly so we had a fire all night long as we all cuddled up and watched some movies. The next morning the boys looked for deer-no luck though. We had a yummy breakfast and then went for a drive and found some snow hills.

Our view of the forest out our front window

Our view from our back door & patio. We look out to the Mogollon Rim. It was so peaceful.


Anonymous said...

What a treat to click on the pictures for a close up. Dylan is smiling ear to ear. In fact, you all are. What great shots, what great memories you've made. Love Nanny g

Erin said...

I ditto your title, it was short but very sweet. I just love escaping reality and going where time does not matter. I wish we could go every weekend.