Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Day of School

Back into the swing of things. Yesterday was the official day. Mom's a day late on posting. Dylan headed off to school like a champ. Let me just say there were many not so happy little campers and he just stood tall and full of smiles. The photo below will show that. He is going full-time this year which means he stays for lunch and he was so excited and loves his scooby doo lunch box. He did so good and was pretty pooped by the end of the day. He really seems happy, which makes a happy Mamma & Daddy. It's all good.
picture is not so great but doesn't change the fact he is a handsome little man

That's my boy on prayer & pledge line full of goodbye smiles & waves
my little school dude
Hopefully all the first days of school ahead are all this smooth..... I can dream can't I?


Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Dylan is a handsome wee fellow who is growing too fast. He is lucky to have a good Mom & Dad who love him so much. He looks so happy going off to school. Love Mom (Nana L)